Wednesday, March 10, 2010

All Shook up

Elvis cupcakes

Ben 10 Birthday cake

Disco Ball/ Roller Skating birthday cake for twin girls turning 8. Inspired by a couple photos the Mom sent me by The Pink Cake Box

"Chandelier" bridal shower cake. Photo by Anna Reid...check out her blog, she's an awesome photographer! while your at it..check out her fiance Kyle's blog too Be sure and look for some photos he did of my kiddos ; ) They both do amazing work!
and speaking of amazing photographers...I don't think I've ever posted info on my friend, Deanna Keese. You'll see some of my cakes scattered through out her blog... I supply the cakes for her smash the cake photo sessions. check her out!

Candy cake for the Midessamommies (Moms group) They just celebrated their second Birthday!

Firefighter Helmet cake

A birthday cake for a hairdresser. I got the idea of the silhouette from a photo I saw online. I don't remember where..or I would give credit where credit is due!

Beer Mug cookie bouquet

A 21st Birthday cake

TinkerBell (topper is a candle)